Example Specification #2 Construction Spec for Concrete Work 1

Construction Spec for Concrete Work 1


1.1            Applicable Requirements, Codes, Standard and Specifications

1.1.1       OWNER’s Requirements

SUNP1-CON-CVL-SPEC-001 Construction Specification for Concrete Work


1.1.2       Standard & Code  SNI “Standard Nasional Indonesia”

SNI 07-2052-2002        Baja Tulangan Beton

SNI 15-2049-2004        Portland Cement  ACI “American Concrete Institute”

ACI 117                         Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials

ACI 207.1                      Mass Concrete

ACI 211.1                      Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal and Heavyweight and Mass Concrete

ACI 301                         Specifications for Structural Concrete for Building

ACI 304                         Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete

ACI 305                         Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concrete

ACI 308                         Standard Practice for Curing Concrete

ACI 315                         Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structure

ACI 318-14                   Building Code Requirement for Structural Concrete and Commentary

ACI 347                         Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork  JIS “Japan Industrial Standard”

JIS G 3112:75               Steel Bar for Concrete Reinforcement  ASTM “American Society for Testing & Materials”

ASTM A36                    Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel

ASTM A82                    Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM A185                  Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM A615                  Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM C31                    Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field

ASTM C33                    Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates

ASTM C39                    Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens

ASTM C94                    Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete

ASTM C109                  Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Concrete Mortars (Using 2 in. or [50 mm] Cube Specimens)

ASTM C136                  Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates

ASTM C138                  Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete

ASTM C143                  Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete

ASTM C150                  Standard Specification for Portland Cement

ASTM C172                  Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete

ASTM C173                  Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method

ASTM C231                  Standard Test Method for Air Content for Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method

ASTM C260                  Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete

ASTM C494                  Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete

ASTM C618                  Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete

ASTM C1602                Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete  AWS “American Welding Society”

AWS A5.1                     Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding

AWS D1.8/D1.8M         Structural Welding Code – Seismic Supplement

AWS D12.1                   Recommended Practices for Welding Reinforcing Steel, Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Concrete Construction  EN “Eurocode”

EN 1992-2-1:2004        Design of concrete structures

2.               MAJOR MATERIALS

2.1            Cement

The sulfat and chloride content in soil and water, based on soil investigation laboratorium test report, shall be compared with the level of damage of concrete and rebar due to chemical attack according to the exposure category and classes of ACI 318-14. Cement shall conform to SNI15-2049, 2004, ASTM C150 or equivalent and the type as follows:

  1. Type I (Normal Portland Cement) for superstructure, general foundation and PC Piles.
  2. Type V (Severe Sulphate Resistance) or Portland Pozzolant Cement (PPC) shall be used for exposure in severe condition.
  3. Cement shall be obtained from one or more sources approved by CONSULTANT/OWNER for establish concrete continuing work.


2.2            Reinforcing Steel Bar

Certified mill test report of reinforcing steel bar shall be submitted and approved by CONSULTANT and OWNER. All reinforcing steel bar shall be free from loose mill scale, loose rust, oil, grease, paint or any harmful matter that may decrease the bond between the steel and concrete.


2.2.1       Structural Type

Structural type shall use deformed bar. Deformed bar shall conform to SNI 07-2052-2002; BJTS 40 or JIS G3112 or ASTM A615. Minimum yield strength is 400 MPa for BJTS 40 and 420 MPa for ASTM A615.


Table 1 Dimensions of Deformed Bar

Reference: SNI 07-2052, 2002; BJTS 40

Symbol Bar Dia (mm) Weight




D 10 10 0.62 ± 6 % 0.785 Length=12 m
D 13 13 1.04 ± 6 % 1.327 Length=12 m
D 16 16 1.58 ± 5 % 2.011 Length=12 m
D 19 19 2.23 ± 5 % 2.835 Length=12 m
D 22 22 2.98 ± 5 % 3.801 Length=12 m
D 25 25 3.85 ± 5 % 4.909 Length=12 m
D 29 29 5.18 ± 4 % 6.605 Length=12 m
D 32 32 6.31 ± 4 % 8.042 Length=12 m

2.2.2       Non-Structural Type

Non-structural type such as wall post, reinforcement for concrete block wall, etc. may use plain bar. Plain bar shall conform to SNI 07-2052-2002; BJTP 24 or equivalent. Minimum yield strength is 240 MPa.

Table 2 Dimensions of Plain Bar

Reference: SNI 07-2052, 2002; BJTP 24

Symbol Bar Dia (mm) Weight




Ø 6 6 0.220 ± 7% 0.283 Length=12m
Ø 8 8 0.393 ± 7% 0.503 Length=12m
Ø10 10 0.617 ± 6% 0.785 Length=12m
Ø12 12 0.888 ± 6% 1.131 Length=12m


2.2.3       Steel Wire

Steel wire fabric reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A185, JIS G3551 or equivalent as follow on Table 3. Minimum yield strength is 485 MPa. Welded mesh reinforcement shall be supplied in flat sheets or rolls depend on CONSULTANT approval. Binding wire shall be of 1.5 mm diameter approved soft iron wire and conform to ASTM A82.


Table 3 Dimensions of Wire Fabric Reinforcement

Reference: ASTM A185

Reference No. Main Wire Cross Wire Unit Weight














M 4 4 150 0.84 4 150 0.84 1.32
M 5 5 150 1.31 5 150 1.31 2.06
M 6 6 150 1.88 6 150 1.88 2.96
M 8 8 150 3.35 8 150 3.35 5.26

Figure 1. Reinforcing Arrangement


2.3           Admixture

  1. Admixtures to be used in concrete shall be subject to prior approval from CONSULTANT/OWNER and shall conform to the following standards or be an approved equal water-reducing, retarding and accelerating admixtures according with ASTM C494.
  2. Accelerating admixtures containing calcium chloride shall not be used for reinforced concrete.
  3. Admixtures shall be the same composition as the admixture used in establishing the required concrete proportions.
  4. In high temperature or in chemical resistance such as acid, special treatment of concrete mixed are required.
  5. Chemical admixture shall be tested by competent and independent testing institutes prior to be used. The test certificate shall contain the following data:

–     Exactly defined range of application.

–     Exact instruction for use.

–     Physical and chemical composition.

–     Positive and negative attendant effects.

–     Standard of the allowable portion of the chemical admixture in % (by weight) of the cement weight.

–     Instruction for batching and mixing.


2.4            Aggregates

  1. The aggregates for concrete shall conform to ASTM C33 or equivalent.
  2. Aggregates failing to meet requirements of ASTM C33, but which have been shown by special tests or actual service to produce concrete of adequate strength and durability, may be used if approved by CONSULTANT.
  3. Sieve analysis conforming to the requirements given in ASTM C136 shall be carried out periodically and the test results shall be immediately submitted to CONSULTANT for approval.


2.5            Water

  1. The mixing water for the concrete shall be potable water clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkaline, and other deleterious materials, and conform to ASTM C1602/C1602M.
  2. Mixing water must not contain more than 1000 ppm of sulfates, 500 ppm of chlorides and 2000 ppm of silt and does not have a saline or brackish taste.
  3. Non-potable water may be used if mortar test cubes made with non-potable water result in 7 day and 28 day strengths equal to at least 90% of strength of similar specimens made with potable water.
  4. The strength comparison shall be made on identical mortar cubes, except for the mixing water, prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM C109.


2.6          Grouting Material

Grouting material specification shall be general grout non shrink with strength 600 kg/cm2 at 28 days. Grout material shall be as manufacturer’s standard and shall not contain oxidizing and gas producing agents, catalysts, inorganic accelerators and chlorides as ASTM C109.

Material grout catalogue and testing result shall be submitted to CONSULTANT.



Cement, aggregates and admixtures shall be stored in accordance with ACI 304R.

  1. Cement shall be stored in weather tight buildings, which will provide protection from moisture and contamination. Sacks of cement shall not be stacked in piles exceeding 14 layers, for storage period less than 60 days, 7 layers if more. When storing cement in sacks the floors shall be a minimum of 30 cm above ground level and shall be paved with concrete and cover with plastic sheet to prevent the absorption of water.
  2. Aggregate stock shall be arranged and used in a manner to avoid excessive segregation and to prevent contamination with other materials or with other sizes of aggregates.
  3. Sand shall be allowed to drain until it has uniform moisture content before it is used.
  4. Reinforcing steel, whether fabricated or not, shall not be placed directly on the ground. Care shall be taken to prevent reinforcing steel from being deformed during storage.
  5. Admixtures shall be stored as recommended by the manufacturer.


4.               PROPORTIONING

4.1            Strength of Concrete

The minimum compressive strength of concrete shall be as follow.

Table 4 Classification of Concrete Grade

Compressive Strength

At 28 days

(Cylinder specimen)

fc’  = 13 MPa –  Leveling concrete
fc’  = 28 MPa –  For all concrete structures and general foundation
fc’  = 35 MPa –  For concrete with exposure categories S2 and S3 (ACI-318 Table 4.2.1)

–  For Underground Perimeter Wall

–  For Column,

fc’  = 50 MPa –  For prestress concrete pile

All value shall be tested by a cylindrical compressive strength method. Mix proportion of concrete shall refer to Section 5.


4.2            Slump of Concrete

  1. Slump of concrete shall be in accordance with Table 5.

Table 5 Slump of Concrete (without admixture)

Reference: ACI 211.1 Table 6.3.1

Type of construction Maximum (mm) Minimum (mm)
Reinforced footing 75 (100)* 25
Plain footing, caissons and substructure walls 75 (100)* 25
Beams and reinforced walls 100 (125)* 25
Columns 100 (125)* 25
Road pavement and slabs 75 (100)* 25

* The value in parentheses is for concrete to be placed by pumping methods.

  1. Maximum slump shown in Table 5 may be increased 25 mm for methods of consolidation other than vibration.
  2. Contractor has to ensure any slump test will be used have to consider to comply compressive strength of concrete and have to consider no segregation occur on fresh concrete.


4.3            Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregate

Unless otherwise specified or approved by CONSULTANT, the maximum nominal size of aggregate shall not exceed:

  1. One‑fifth of the narrowest dimension between sides of forms.
  2. One‑third of the depth of slabs.
  3. Three‑quarters of the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars.
  4. All general purpose coarse aggregate shall have a maximum size of 40 mm.


4.4            Selection of Proportions

  1. The proportion of ingredients shall be selected in accordance with the requirements given in ACI 211.1 and to produce proper place-ability, durability, strength, and other required properties.
  2. All proportions for concrete shall be approved by CONSULTANT.
  3. As a rule proportion of ingredients including water-cement ratio shall be determined by trial mixing (see Table 6).

Table 6 Water Cement Ratio

Reference: ACI 211.1 Table 6.3.4

No Compressive Strength At 28 days (Cylinder specimen) Maximum Water Cement Ratio, by weight
1 fc’  = 13 Mpa 0.79
2 fc’  = 28 MPa 0.57
3 fc’  = 35 MPa 0.50*
4 fc’  = 50 MPa 0.40

* The water/cement ratio shall not exceed 0.50 by weight for concrete used in marine structure or structure in environtment attack (based on ACI 211.1 Table 6.3.4(b) and ACI 318-14).

Figure 2. Concreting Work Process


Continued to Construction Spec for Concrete Work 2 

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